Elmo J. Karjalainen

KC Sound (358) 0500 492033

Seagrave: The End Of Silence (Bad Viking Productions YSECD15001, 2015)

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Seagrave: The End Of Silence (Bad Viking Productions YSECD15001, 2015)


Seagrave: The End Of Silence (Bad Viking Productions YSECD15001, 2015)

The first CD album by the band Seagrave. A traditional style heavy rock band playing all original songs.

The musicians: Michael Henneken (voc), Ari-Matti Rintala (guitars), Elmo Karjalainen (guitars), Petri Isomäki (bass), Vesa Kolu (drums)

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The tracks:

1. Airborn

2. End of Silence

3. The Undertaker

4. Into the Darkness

5. The Citadel

6. Black Clouds

7. Immortal

8. Sea of the Dead

9. Winter Sky

10. Farewell

Excerpts from reviews:

The Faulkner Review: "strongly influenced by 1980’s metal such as Iron Maiden/Bruce Dickinson (...)high degree of musicianship on opening track Airborn, which brings the Iron Maiden sound into the modern era. Thunderous drums and restlessly inventive basslines do battle with incredibly fluent guitar lines from Elmo Karjalainen, switching between meaty low end riffs and high end riffs which are often harmonized. Over this, Michael Henneken lays down superb vocals that I personally prefer to Bruce Dickenson. His vocal range is huge. (...) Overall, this is one of the best metal albums I’ve heard in years as it manages to capture the best elements of metal and fuses it with songwriting craft and a strong sense of melody. A classic of its genre."  9 out of 10.

JamSphere: "The song writing, the titles, the amazing vocals and the inhuman power of Elmo Karjalainen the album, "End Of Silence", creates a massive explosion of pure hard-rock, metal energy I haven´t heard in many years! If you crossed Judas Priest, The Scorpions and Black Sabbath you´d probably get a blend that resembles Seagrave." a "modern-day metal rock classic".

Indibandguru: "Seagrave - From Cover Band To Leaders Of The Modern Metal Scene"

Links to reviews:

Sleeping Bag Studios

The Faulkner Review

Independent Spotlight


Indie Band Guru

CD in jewelbox. Contains 8 page booklet. Weight with bubblebag 99g. Shipping & Handling 2,50€/shipment. Postal fee is added in Checkout depending on country of destination. These fees are combined in “Shipping” in Checkout.

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