The studio has aqcuired a few essential tools (plug-ins), the UAD Topline Vocal Suite (probably all that is needed for processing vocals), The Lion amp (great Marshall sound), Acon Digital DeVerberate 3x (takes away excessive reverbs), and Acon Digital Re-Mix. The Re-Mix, is great for separating drums, bass, piano, vocals, and some other tracks from stereo mixes (good when you want to go back and do a new mix and you don´t have the original tracks!).
We have now deleted all downloadable music from the webshop. Downloads don´t seem to be in demand, and we still would have to pay fees to Teosto/Nordic Copyright Bureau (NCB).
We continue to have physical albums (CD albums) available in the webshop.
Vi har nu tagit bort EP-albumet “Jan-Ola Sunabacka sjunger Joe Hill” (KC-021) från CD Babys digitala distribution. Inom en månad borde det alltså inte längre vara möjligt att striima skivans musik. Det nyare, långa albumet “Jan-Ola Sunabacka: Låt oss sjunga Joe Hill” (KC-022) laddas inte upp för striiming. Det albumet kan köpas endast som fysisk CD, eller som nerladdningsversion mp3 från vår egen nätbutik.
We have now added downloadable mp3-versions of some of our releases in the shop, namely those which we have permission for from Teosto/NCB. If you want to listen to audio samples of the download versions, please go to the respective CD Album page - there you can listen to about 30 seconds of each track
Me olemme nyt lisänneet mp3-latausversioita joistakin meidän julkaisuista nettikauppaan, nimittäin ne joihin meillä on Teosto/NCB:n lupa. Jos haluat kuunnella ääninäytteitä kappaleista, voit kuunnella noin 30 sekunnin mittaisia audiosämplejä CD-albumien sivuilla.
Vi har nu lagt till nerladdningsbara mp3-versioner av en del av våra utgåvor i nätbutiken, nämligen dem vi fått tillstånd från Teosto/NCB för. Om du vill lyssna till korta, ca. 30 sekunder långa audiosnuttar, gå då till avdelningen för fysiska CD-album - snuttarna finns där.
The Finnish Postal Service has now raised its prices. This affects our shipping prices, and we are forced to make some changes. BUT: We have lowered the packing and other shipping costs instead. In some cases it is a bit cheaper now, but in the case of heavier deliveries, it is a bit more expensive. Sorry, not our fault!
Posti on siis nostanut hintoja mikä vaikuttaa CD-levyjen lähettämiseen. MUTTA: me laskimme pakkaus- ja muut lähetyskulut hiukan niin ettei posti ourisi niin pahasti.
Posti (f.d. “Itella”) har höjt portot för brev. Våra CD-försändelser stiger alltså litet, MEN eftersom vi sänkte på förpacknings- och andra kostnader är skillnaden inte så stor.
Chicago 3 julkaisi albuminsa jolla esitetään lähinnä Acre Karin aikoinaan Chicago 7-yhtyeen kanssa esittämiä kappaleita. Hauskoja tekstejä! Soittajat:Vaakku Varjus (laulu), Iiro Salmi (piano), Kasper Haikkonen (saksofonit ja huilu), Pekka Välimäki (saksofonit). Tämä jäi valitettavasti Pekka Välimäen viimeiseksi äänitteeksi, hän menehtyi kesällä 2023.
Vi har nu äntligen fått ut albumet Jan-Ola Sunabacka: Låt oss sjunga Joe Hill. (KC-022). Den kan köpas direkt av oss, eller från www.elmojk.com/shop, samt från Discogs (sök “kcsoundfinland”)
(In Swedish only):
Vi förbereder nu utgivningen av CD-skivan “Låt oss sjunga Joe Hill” med Jan-Ola Sunabacka. Datum för utgivningen är inte fastslaget, men en liten smakbit kommer här…
We have now installed more UAD plug-ins, the complete UAD Producer Edition Bundle. It includes some plug-ins which we already had as UAD accelerator versions, but now we also have native versions. This means that the computer can use more UA plug-ins than before. The latest additions: Electra 88 Vintage Keyboard Studio, Moog Minimoog, Opal Morphing Synthesizer, Ravel Grand Piano, Waterfall B3 Organ, Waterfall Rotary Speaker (well, we do have the real Hammond B3, 1958 Old Style), 1176 Classic Limiter Collection, Studio D Chorus, Brigade Chorus, PolyMAX Synth, Century Tube Channel Strip, Pultec Passive EQ Collection, Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection, Galaxy Tape Echo, Pure Plate Reverb, Oxide Tape Recorder, Hitsville EQ Collection, Hitsville Reverb Chambers, API Vision Channel Strip Collection, API 2500 Bus Compressor, Manley Massive Passive EQ, Manley VOXBOX Channel Strip, Avalon VT-737 Tube Channel Strip, dbx 160 Compressor/Limiter, Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor Compressor, Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection, Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb, Manley Tube Preamp, Studer A800 Tape Recorder, Teletronix LA-3A Classic Audio Leveler, UA 175B & 176 Tube Compressor Collection. So we are pretty happy with the new stuff!
The studioware has been updated. We now use Cakewalk by Bandlab as our DAW. This version is an update from Cakewalk Sonar Platinum. With the PC also updated everything goes even smoother.
Some new plug-ins have also been installed. We have FabFilters latest versions, and lots of other goodies!
We are now back at the studio. Some changes have been made, which mean that we now have more recording space! Very nice, indeed.
Late summer 2022:
The news below of long time friend, collaborator and excellent sax player Pekka Välimäki suddenly passing away hit hard.
11.06 2022:
Today on Elmo´s birthday, we start a series of Special Summer Offers. At least for a while, you can buy most of Elmo´s CD albums at a Very Special Price. Check out the Shop!
We also have special prices on many other albums!
Our latest release is a CD album (EP) “Jan-Ola Sunabacka sjunger Joe Hill” (KC-021, 2022), which is now available from the shop. The album is in Swedish, except for one track, Joe Hill´s “My Last Will”. The music to this is by Jan-Ola.
For the time being, we are taking a break from every day work at the studio. Bookings only for at least one or two full days. You can also try Elmo if he has time to do some sessions. Sasa is of course available for mixing and/or mastering.
Phones: Christer: +358 50 492033; Elmo: +358 40 7062139; Sasa: +358 40 5222797
In matters concerning the studio, you can now reach Christer Karjalainen also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/people/Christer-Karjalainen/100074528315763/
The latest new from the studio are now mainly on my Facebook-page: https://www.facebook.com/people/Christer-Karjalainen/100074528315763/
Autumn is here, and we will be back at the studio starting on 20.09.2021. Please book the studio in time, as there are already projects lined up for recordings and mixing sessions .
Elmo Karjalainen has been busy in the studio making his YouTube videos. Please check his channel HERE
Here´s a link to a video Sun City Blues made. The music was recorded last May in the KC Sound studio (it´s a mixed version, not the mastered version). Click HERE to see the video.
31.05.2021, edited 03.06.2021:
This time I remembered to take some pictures when Graham Oliver was in the studio. He finally had time to do the last vocal of four, all country songs. They are now all mixed and mastered.
The songs:
Sunny Days (music & lyrics Graham Oliver; arrangement Teddy Grimstad)
True Love's So Hard To Find (music, lyrics & arrangement Phil Taylor)
Take These Pieces That Used To Be My Life (music & lyrics Graham Oliver; arrangement Teddy Grimstad)
You Stole Away My Heart (music & lyrics Graham Oliver; arrangement Teddy Grimstad)
The album will be released as an EP with four songs. The title of the album is “Shades Of Grey”.
People involved in this Production is : GRAHAM OLIVER, composer, lyricist, vocals & backing vocals, (Finland); PHIL ANDERSON, guitars, bass, and other instruments, (Nashville, USA); STEVE HINSON, Steel, (Nashville, USA); PHIL TAYLOR, Composer, (UK); JOHN P TAYLOR, guitar, bass, and other instruments, (UK); LARS ÅSTRAND, fiddle, (Sweden), SASA OPACIC guitar, mastering (Finland); CLARA REINIKAINEN, backing vocals, (Finland); CHRISTER KARJALAINEN, drummer, mixing engineer, (Finland), Produced By TEDDY GRIMSTAD. The album will be released on iTunes and other stores shortly.
A TV Commercial will also be made for The Nashville Country Music Television Network.
The rhythm&blues band SunCity Blues recorded four songs for their upcoming album. Smooth sailing in the studio! Here´s a photo of the guys. Recordings to be continued in September…
Graham Oliver was just in the studio to record the vocals for another song for his country album. Once again I forgot to take a photo of him in the studio…Well, I will remember one day.
Also, Elmo brought in the backing tracks for a cover of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Elmo is very busy, so I don´t know when we will do the real drums (so far the drums are only programmed drum tracks), and when he will play the lead guitar.
(In Finnish): Vaakku & Patterihaukat on saanut valmiiksi albumin joka on äänitetty Hombre Lampisen studiolla. Hombre on sittemmin valitettavasti poistunut joukostamme. Sasa Opacic on masteroinut tämän, ja odotetaan nyt lähinnä kansityötä ja painatusta. CD siis tulossa!
Graham Oliver: Take These Pieces…
We started work on Graham´s country album. The first song is written by Teddy Grimstad (music), and Graham Oliver (lyrics). Phil Anderson (Nashville) played most of the tracks. More is on the way!
Jari Alhanen: “Kaksi ihmistä”
Elmo Karjalainen soitti akustisia kitaroita Jarin uuteen kappaleeseen. Jarilla oli demo ja taustaa mukana tikulla. Jäämme odottelemaan…
Georgette Jones & Dolly Dunn: “Back Stabbin´ Woman”
We have now recorded, mixed, and mastered the second single by Georgette Jones and Dolly Dunn. The song was written by Dolly and sung as a duet. (The mix is done the way the producer Teddy Grimstad wanted it, not my way).
Georgette Jones ja Dolly Dunn laulavat uusimmalla countrysinglellä joka on juuri ilmestynyt.
Georgette Jonesilla on vahvat countryjuuret, jotka hän on perinyt isältään George Jones ja äidiltään Tammy Wynette, molemmat alan huippustaroja. Georgette on levyttänyt monen huipun kanssa, Vince Gilliä myöten.
Dolly Dunn on säveltäjä/sanoittaja/laulaja jolla on vankka kannattajakunta countryscenellä. Dolly ja Georgette esittävät duettona tämän Dollyn kappaleen (niin kuin edellisenkin, eli kappaleen Glass Houses).
Tämä oli jälleen esimerkki eräästä nykytavasta tehdä äänite. Phil Anderson äänitti kitarat, basson ja demorummut studiossaan Nashvillessä. Ammattimies! Demolaulut saatuamme Iiro Salmi soitti piano-osuuden yhdellä otolla KC Soundin studiossa ja minä soitin rummut, myös yhdellä otolla. Raakamiksaus lähetettiin USAan ja Kanadaan, ja laulajat äänitettiin erikseen kahdessa eri paikassa. Saimme lauluraidat tänne. Miksasin yhdessä tuottajan Teddy Grimstadin kanssa, jonka jälkeen Sasa Opacic masteroi kappaleen.
Tämä miksaus ei ole sellainen kuin minä tekisin, mutta tuottaja määrää…
15.01.2021 (Only in Finnish):
Studiossa on ollut turvallista ainakin tässä vaiheessa, ja olemme äänittäneet Vaakku & Patterihaukkojen taustoja. Meitä oli kaiken kaikkiaan viisi henkilöä paikalla, ja etäisyydet säilyivät hyvin. Meillä mahtuu hyvin!
Georgette Jones & Dolly Dunn: Glass Houses - a new country recording made in Nashville and Turku. The single can be found on the streaming services. Search for Dolly Dunn: Glass Houses. Also on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z682tGT2wA
Latest comment on the recording (January 15, 2021):
Keith Austin, Lead Guitarist (Doctor Hook) says: Damn, that’s a killer!!!
Georgette Jones (daughter of country legends George Jones and Tammy Wynette) sings this duet with Dolly Dunn, the writer of the song.
This recording is yet another result of the international collaboration we have been doing here at KC Sound. All guitars were recorded in Nashville by Phil Anderson in his studio in Nashville, the vocals were recorded in different studios in the US, Ted Grimstad, who produced the recording, recorded the bass in his home studio in Turku, Finland, Christer Karjalainen played and recorded the drums at the KC Sound Studio, Turku, Finland. Mixing and mastering at KC Sound Studio.
Comments on the recording:
Dolly Dunn writes:
My duet with Georgette Jones titled GLASS HOUSES...
This is a dream come true. I wrote this song a lot of years ago in 2014 and to hear her vocals on it with me is just amazing....
I would like to thank Teddy Grimstad for producing this song for us...Just amazing...also, Chief Engineer, Christer Karjalainen of Finland for your amazing work and playing live drums for this song. Sasa Opasic of Finland for Mastering. Thanks so much to Phil Anderson in Nashville Tenn for lead guitar and more, Aubrie Haynie on Fiddle, and Steve Hinson of Nashville Tenn for Steel Guitar....A huge thank you to Jamie Lennon, Georgette's husband for being behind the controls...To Georgette Jones, you my friend are amazing and there are not enough words to describe how over the top happy this has made me...Your vocals on my song means more than anything.....
Tommi Lee Mufat :
Singer Song writer and Producer, Temple, Texas
(Had Phil Anderson in his Band on Telecaster Back In Scotland)
Comments : Hi Teddy. I just listened to Glass Houses. Loved it.
and amazing job producing it.
John Cole :
Singer Song Writer and Producer, Wero Beach FLORIDA
Comments : Just heard "Glass Houses" all the way and it's one great production.
Aage Nordheim :
Singer song writer Producer Sandefjord Norway
Comment : En helhetlig lytteopplevelse Bra jobba
Steve Owen Song writer and Producer:
WOW! Dolly and Georgette are certainly 2 Great, traditional, female vocalist. Teddy, your productions are always up there with the very best. Great song, great vocals and great production.
Uusi studio toivottaa tutustumaan (this only in Finnish and Swedish)
Studiomme on täydessä toimintakunnossa, ja tänne on nyt mahdollista sopimuksen mukaan tulla tutustumaan tiloihin, laitteisiin ja ohjelmiin. Meillähän kaikki ovat erittäin hyvää laatua!
Studion osoite on Apilakatu 10, Turku (Peltolassa)
Kiinnostuneet voivat ottaa yhteyttä allekirjoittaneeseen.
Vår nya studio fungerar nu helt. Det är nu möjligt att bekanta sig med med studion och dess utrustning. Vi har mycket bra kvalitet på rubbet.
Studions adress är Apilakatu 10, Åbo (i Peltola-området)
Intresserade kan kontakta undertecknad
Christer Karjalainen
0500 492033